Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy "New" Year! A little late, I know its already Jan. 18, 2009, but I've just been procrastinating and honestly I couldn't figure out how to change my blog background, and thecutestblogontheblock website was down, so now I finally figured it out! yay! well, Chris has started back grad school after a nice long break, and he will be working as a Graduate Assistant, I am starting my new job as a reading intervention specilialist at GR Whitefield School in Grimesland this week, so its a new year with new changes. Also, I was "tagged" by Gloria Rowe, so here it goes: 8 Things Tag:

8 Favorite Shows:

1. 24
2. Lost
3. Smallville
4. The Cosby Show
5. Seinfeld
6. Everybody Loves Raymond
7. House
8. Reba

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Made breakfast bacon & eggs
2. 4 loads of laundry
3. dusted
4. cleaned all glass surfaces
5. organized computer room
6. swept & mopped
7. planned primary lesson
8. Jillian Michaels workout video

8 Things I Look Forward to:

1. Reading "Midnight Sun"
2. alone time w/ my hubby
3. bubble bath
4. sleeping :)
5. sleeping in tomorrow morning - its a holiday!
6. getting a back rub from Chris
7. eating cake
8. having a baby

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Panera Bread
2. Outback
3. Boss Hog's
4. Quizno's
5. Olive Garden
6. Dixie Queen
7. Waterman's (Edenton NC)
8. Baskin Robins

8 Things on my wish list:
1. for Chris to find his dream job
2. children
3. new car
4. new house
5. pearl ring
6. tropical vacation for me & Chris
7. see # 1
8. see # 2

8 People to tag:
1. Lauren Hancock
2. Susy Estes
3. Susan Robbins
4. JoAnna Robinson
5. Regina Wait
6. Ashley Anderson
7. Elizabeth Browning
8. Mary-Courteney Greene


Mamafamilias said...

Yay for you! I worked at G. R. Whitfield for about 7 years as a kindergarten assistant. It was a great school then, even though that was before the new addition. Hope it's still a great school. Keep me posted.

Thanks for the 8-things info. That's alot of fun because it helps to know a little more about friends and whqt they like.

Good luck on the new job.

RobinsonRugrats said...

I LOVE your 8 things! I hope you are liking your new job. I need to see you again so that I can get caught up.

Elizabeth said...

Hey I didn't see my tag!!! I will definitely take you up on it after I finish my massive catch up. Who knew that having your computer gone for a month could put you so behind. I hope you and Chris are doing well! Any baby news yet?