Saturday, December 6, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!! 'Tis the season! yay! How exciting. Well, I've tried to make our blog a little more festive, but its kinda confusing and I don't love it, but I like the red ornaments. it reminds me of our tree. Well, a few changes have been taking place. Chris got a new calling at church as the Elder's Quorum President, and I got a job teaching Spanish at Snow Hill primary school. I start Monday, and I think I am really going to love it. The students are so well behaved, and my assistant is just fabulous. gee, as I'm sitting here Chris was complaining about needing new scriptures, and well that was one of his Christmas presents I got, leather bound with his name on them. He kept talking about it so much that I was afraid he would just go out and buy some, so I said, 'maybe Santa will bring some' stupid me I guess that gave it away! Then he started asking what color, and i was like burgundy, so it totally ruined his only suprise, because he knows what all the other presents are! I am a bit upset.


The Robinson Family said...

Molly- I am so happy for you with your new job. I know that you were so glad to get it! Congrats! I am the same way about christmas presents... I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut!

Lauren said...

Congrats on the new job! I had to run home during sacrament today to get the candy cane invites for the Christmas part(did you get one?!) so I missed your testimony but Joel said it was very touching. Hope you have a fabulous holiday! Talk to you later

Mamafamilias said...

Hey, y'all could do like us - when I was home-teaching Seminary to the girls, the year we were studying Old Testament, we decided to have "Hannukah" and I would let them open a present every morning for about a week (but I got to pick out what present they could open). It was great.

Anyway, there's a pair of fuzzy socks hanging on our tree right now that Emily picked out for Kelly yesterday. She wrapped them and gave them to Kelly last night and Kelly had to open them right then. It was priceless. So, hey, I say open a present when you need to!

regina said...

hello girl... blog stalking is my favorite. what a cutie husband you have there. it sounds like things are going great and congrats on your new job. Spanish... wow! we could use you out here in Phoneix where spanish is the primary language, at least that is the way i feel sometime. hope all is well and send me your home address for our belated christmas cards.

regina said...

our address is
160006 N 4th dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85023

Lauren said...

Let's put it this way, if we pull it off it will be a miracle...Merry Christmas!

Elizabeth said...

Yay for the new job and I hope the Olivers' Christmas was wonderful even with the surprises given away haha.