Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tag I'm "It"
What is your spouse's name? Christopher Kevin Oliver

How long have you been together? We we went on our first date back in like May 2004, but officially started dating October 2005 - so like 3 years, we almost been married 2.

Who eats more? If we are sitting down at a meal - definately Chris. But I've got him beat w/ the munching. I have to have something sweet everyday- Chris could go months without eating a morsel of sugar

Who said 'I love you first'? he did

Who is taller? Chris

Who sings better? I do - not that I'm all that great or anything -

Who's smarter? definately Chris - freakin' genius but when it comes to music, spanish/portuguese, or spelling I've got him beat

Who does the laundry? Chris! - ok ladies, don't get too jealous . . . haha

Who does the dishes? Me - its our comprise - i hate laundry, he hates dishes (then again having a dishwasher makes the chore quite simple

Who pays the bills? I do - but we look at the finances together to make sure we're on the same page

Who mows the lawn? Chris - sometimes I'll weed eat while he's mowing

Who cooks dinner? Ah, that would be me - when I feel like it

Who is more stubborn? Me

Who kissed who first? Chris kissed me - he couldn't resist my hot lips

Who asked out who first? Chris asked me out - asked for my phone . . . he's quite chivalrous . . .

Who proposed? Chris officially proposed on the beach at Fort Macon as the sun was setting. . . got down on one knee and said all these nice things . . .thank goodness he finished before the beach patrol came and told us we had to leave b/c they lock the gate at 8:00!! haha.

Who wears the pants? We're pretty equal with that stuff . . .

Okay so whoever would like to answer these questions consider yourself tagged!!!!!


Elizabeth said...

I like the new pic!

Lauren said...

Molly love the new post! I wanted to let you know that I won't be to the softball game on Monday. My dad is having surgery Monday and since my mom doesn't have much leave from work I am going home to take care of him for a couple days. I will definitely be to the next one though and I expect you to be there lil missy! I need someone other than the Reese crowd to talk to;-) Hope you are doing well. later gal

Lauren said...

PS have I ever told you that whenever I say something to Joel and you and Chris or something having to do with Chris and the softball game or whatever I always call him Oliver. Haha I mean I don't know why but it always comes out. In my head I always think Molly and Oliver as a couple. haha Anyways usless information that I just thought was kinda funny.

Ashley said...

aw....i love you guys!! and do have an amazing voice!!~

RobinsonRugrats said...

I am so proud of you for updating your blog. You have inspired me to get better at updating mine. I love your quiz. Chris cuts the grass? I thought you guys were living in an apartment?? It was good to see you in Panera as well. I miss ya!

Lauren said...

Missed you at the game tonight! It was very rainy and I ended up sitting in the car for the last 3 innings so you didn't miss much haha.