Friday, January 29, 2010

Well, if this had been a class in college, I would have taken it! I always thought it would come natural, as would infant care. (Okay stop laughing all you veteran moms) There are things that happen that you just aren't prepared for! Bella has had a lot of trouble putting on weight, she would spit up so much, breastmilk, formula, you name it, she just couldn't keep it down. But we have found Enfamil AR, which she keeps down much better and is finally gaining some weight, it has been a roller coaster! I have had to cut back on nursing her which is very disappointing, but I am convinced I shouldn't stop completely. I was so looking forward to nursing, and now that she got it down pat, we have to supplement. At least the doctors found out there is nothing metabolically wrong, so we are thinking she has acid reflux or a floppy sphincter muscle or something I don't know if she'll grow out of it, i hope so! Motherhood is full of joys and challenges! Any advice I would love to hear.


Lauren said...

Hi Molly! I'm so glad things have gotten better. It was good to chat with you and hopefully it won't be so long next time! Also post some pics of that sweet little girl!

Susan said...

Hey, Molly! So sorry she has had a tough time. Who would have thought that nursing a baby would be so hard, huh?! When Hannah was a baby the best advice I heard was, "This too shall pass." It didn't feel like it then, but all of a sudden your first baby is grown and the next time around it's just not quite so scary. Hope you're doing well. And I agree -- let's see some pictures!