Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cleaning 101: Its tough enough to try and keep your house straight, but when you move into an even smaller place like we have, its even tougher (is that a word?). Please tell me girls if you agree, but why is it that you can clean and straighten the whole place, and the kitchen table just seems to never quite remain clear. Everybody throws their stuff down on the kitchen table when they get home: purses, mail, textbooks, bookbags, keys,etc. Now, this is a picture of our first place, and, since there was a desk right as you walked in the door eveything seemed to get thrown on that, the kitchen table had its own little nook, far away from "walk in the door" traffic. But now i'm having a hard time (as in our second place of residence) keeping the table clear. I've even put a table cloth, flowers, and teapot to make it look cute, and we still seem to just put stuff there, what the heck? And don't even get me started on the throw pillows on the couch and recliner!!!! Do those EVER stay where you neatly arrange and fluff them????? No!!!!! Well, then again, I have a husband who loves to sleep/sit/study etc. w/ a million pillows, so he does actually use the throw pillows and gets them all out of wack!!! But I feel like I amarranging them 24/7!!! And the house doesn't seem completely straight until they're arranged, even if I've just cleaned - the pillows have to be arranged!!! Am I a deranged lunatic, or does anyone else have these problems??? - or maybe i'm just fussing over sillly little stuff to keep my mind from the bigger problems in life . . . . . funny how i read about others' blogs and their trips across the globe, and here i am talking about throw pillows . . . . exciting life . . .


Lauren said...

Hey Molly,
If you remember we also moved into a smaller place(3 bedroom townhouse owned by the parents to a 1 bedroom apartment paid for by me). I have the same problem that you are as far as keeping it clean. It drives me crazy cause some things never seem to stay clean. In our house it's the bar and our wardrobe thingie in our bedroom that has tons of space on top to throw clothes. I also have the same problem with the throw pillows. We used to have lots of throw pillows but they always ended up on the floor. Apparently Joel doesn't like them so that's where they end up. He also spends a lot of his relaxing/studying/sleeping time on the couch so I just let him have his way. The love seat now has 2 nice little throw pillows that still don't stay in place(bc of the dog) but at least now I don't have to go quite as crazy arranging 10. Also, nothing makes my stomach turn more than when I look and see one of my throw pillows in the floor and the dog is wallowing all over it!! aghh. So you are not along in this! haha

Elizabeth said...

That's why I'm against desks in the kitchen. No one ever uses them for a desk, they only use them as a catchall. You made me laugh though, I was picturing a little cartoon molly with a whirlwind around her as she sped around straightening pillows only to have them re-arrange themselves as she turned her back. :-D.

Em said...

You are far from being alone! I think it just comes with the territory of being married! Gannon sent out a little quote she found that says "Cleaning up after children is like shoveling snow while it is still snowing"! I think we can put the word "husband" in there too!! He he!! The kitchen table is just such an inviting place to throw things for some reason!!! =0)